A varied career

You had a particularly varied career as a fashion model, a philosophy postgraduate and a lawyer, what prompted you to make the change to writing?

I believe that everyone should pursue their talents and not leave them hidden in the ground in the biblical sense of the parable of the talents. After I left school, I was a successful fashion model, represented by a top fashion modelling agency in London but Latin A level had encouraged my interest in philosophy, particularly Cicero, and so I went to UCL to read Philosophy, both as an undergraduate and a postgraduate. I qualified as a solicitor at a top international law firm and then was a barrister in Chambers in London, having been called to the Bar of the Inner Temple. My experience as a barrister showed me that I had a talent for being a mouthpiece for others, understanding clients and putting across their point of view persuasively. Studying philosophy has also proved useful in my writing, as I like to weave philosophy into my novels. However, I believe that writing literary fiction is my God-given talent.